01424 211122
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Are you currently a foster carer?
Do you have a spare room?
Are you over 25?

What is Fostering?

Fostering is looking after a child or young person who needs it most.

Foster carers are desperately needed to look after the most vulnerable children and young people, according to The Fostering Network there are around 81,000 children in care across the UK – and there are a number of reasons why.

It may be because of a family illness, family breakdown, or a situation where their welfare is threatened. Most will have experienced neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse.

Their stories will be different, every child will have faced loss and separation from their birth family.

With help from the Local Authorities and 5Fostering you can help make a difference to a child or young person’s life.

Key to good fostering is the support and training carers receive. To quote or 2019 report: 'Through the committed staff team working collaboratively, prospective foster carers are supported. This support was described as ‘really brilliant’ by one recently approved foster carer. The training provided is valued by prospective foster carers, and ensures that they are prepared well for their role.'

If you would like to find out more please contact us.

Start by doing the necessary, then the possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible